
eStart4 is a service platform which delivers a transformative experience for online content. Co-founded by Robert Kramer, they are currently based here in Lisbon and are focusing on operating as a marketing tool for restaurants and retail shops in order to aid companies in managing deliveries, decreasing costs, and increasing sales. During our visit to the eStart office, the team had lots of positive feedback on the impact and involvement of interns in the company. We spoke to Robert, along with present interns, Maya and Josna, to understand more about the enterprise and what an average day at eStart looks like.

Robert, could you introduce yourself and the company?

My name is Rob Kramer and I'm the CEO and Co-founder of eStart4. eStart4 is a delivery automation and marketing tool for restaurants and retail. We essentially help restaurants to manage deliveries and decrease their costs relating to deliveries. We started off in sunny Lisbon, using Portugal as a case study to then expand across the country . We are also currently implementing an expansion to Paris, which the interns are helping with.

Let's meet the interns...

Maya: Hi I'm Maya and I'm a social media intern here at eStart4.

Josna: I'm Josna and I'm interning at eStart4 and deliverLX, our partner company.

Could you tell us about an average day at eStart?

Maya: Sure, well there really is no such thing as an average day at eStart. Every day varies. We start the week with a team meeting and decide how we'll be spending our week and then actioning that. We then have content days spent filming and gathering material for the social media channels.

Josna: I am mostly taking over deliverLX's social channels, particularly Instagram. I spearhead most of the campaigns, whether it's expansions or meetings with clients.

What's been your highlight so far?

Maya: Generally, the work/life balance has been great. We have the opportunity to work but also to meet new people and explore the city.

Josna: This opportunity has been great in providing me with the practical marketing experience I've been looking for. This placement has allowed me to put in to practice what I have learnt at University and apply it to real situations.

Do you have a message for potential future interns?

Robert: Well, things have been great with this years interns. They got a lot of exposure to clients, campaigns, and so on. All the future interns, besides the great weather, can expect to learn a lot about social media, email, and digital marketing. They can interact with some of our best clients, stakeholders, and sometimes even local government. It's challenging, but rewarding.

Maya: I would say to them...just throw yourself out there and really get involved in everything. It's a safe space for growing and learning a lot about yourself and the industry. Just go for it and enjoy it!

Josna: Rob creates a great environment for us to push ourselves and do things that we've never done before. I never thought that within the first few weeks of an internship I could lead a campaign. It's given me invaluable experience, so I would recommend people to put themselves in situations that may be slightly outside of their comfort zones in order to grow.


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