5 tips to learn Portuguese while living in Lisbon!

Learning a brand-new language is an extremely challenging and daunting task, even more so when learning it in a foreign country! An overwhelming amount of information at a time when you’re getting used to new surroundings can make it seem like learning a new language is impossible. But do not fear!
This post aims to give pointers on how to give yourself the best chance at learning Portuguese during your internship in Lisbon!

If you’re reading this before your internship in Lisbon, we recommend you familiarise yourself with basic Portuguese phrases “Olá”, “Tudo bem?” and “Adeus”. Learning these simple phrases will help you make the most of your time in Lisbon and make the language lessons easier! It might also be a good idea to familiarise yourself with basic grammar rules to avoid confusion. Moreover, it’s a good suggestion to learn about the culture and customs of Portugal before your internship!

1) Make the most of the native speakers!

A huge benefit of living and working in a foreign country as part of your Erasmus+ internship is the sheer number of native speakers you can practice with! A significant amount of Portuguese people can speak some English so if you get stuck speaking to them, they’ll usually be able to respond in English.

2) Jump into the culture and language

To really make the most of your Erasmus+ internship and your time in Portugal, it’s best to immerse yourself as much as you can with the language and culture. Interact with the locals
as much as possible in bars and restaurants and try to read the Portuguese menus to get use to words. You can also watch Portuguese TV with English subtitles to listen to the way words are pronounced. The best thing to do when learning a new language is to jump in headfirst and fully immerse yourself in your new way of life!

3) Use interactive language learning software and mobile apps!

There is so many different apps and websites out there that are designed to help you learn a new language quickly and efficiently while also having fun! Apps such as DuoLingo, Babbel and Memrise are easily obtainable to any smart phone and allows you to learn a new language anywhere! Also, translating apps are an extremely handy tool to use when out and about as they can save you a lot of confusion. If you prefer to keep it old-school, then carry a pocket dictionary with you! For the best language learning apps see - https://www.lingualift.com/blog/best-language-learning-apps/

4) Attend meet-up groups such as language tandems or learn online

Another good way to get a grasp of Portuguese quickly is through attending meet-up groups such as language tandems. Tandem language learning is a method where partners who speak different languages teach each other their native language. This is a great way to become fully immersed in the Portuguese language while teaching someone else English! Alternatively, there are numerous ways to learn Portuguese online through websites such as Preply.com and italki.com. Even YouTube has loads of engaging video lessons you can throw yourself into!

5) Make the most of your weekly language class!

As part of your Erasmus+ internship in Lisbon, you’ll be provided with a weekly language lesson taught by one of our amazing tutors. This weekly session is a great opportunity to practice what you know while interacting with other Erasmus+ interns! In order to make the most of the language classes, look back on your notes from every lesson and practice in your own time!


